Friday, July 31, 2009

I took Myles to the Children's Museum today. And as I hate to much as I hate to say it, I was a bit disappointed. It hardly seemed like the same place I use to visit as a child. I mean, it has been over 15 years since I was last there but still. I so wanted to share all favorite things with Myles. I was also irritated and annoyed. I couldn't believe how unruly and unwilling to share so many of the children were. By no means is Myles the most well behaved child in the world, but compared to some of them, I might have to reconsider that thought. The other thing that bothered me was how timid (for lack of a better word) Myles was. He was basically just letting the other kids walk all over him. I tried to explain to him that the other kids, more than likely were not going to be considerate. I told him he could be a bit more aggressive and still not be rude. I don't know if it was just all too much for him, if he was intimidated, or if he really didn't care what the others kids were(n't) doing. He is by nature a considerate and friendly child. He did say that he had fun though, so really in the end, that's all that matters. And I got some cute pictures.

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