Friday, July 31, 2009

I took Myles to the Children's Museum today. And as I hate to much as I hate to say it, I was a bit disappointed. It hardly seemed like the same place I use to visit as a child. I mean, it has been over 15 years since I was last there but still. I so wanted to share all favorite things with Myles. I was also irritated and annoyed. I couldn't believe how unruly and unwilling to share so many of the children were. By no means is Myles the most well behaved child in the world, but compared to some of them, I might have to reconsider that thought. The other thing that bothered me was how timid (for lack of a better word) Myles was. He was basically just letting the other kids walk all over him. I tried to explain to him that the other kids, more than likely were not going to be considerate. I told him he could be a bit more aggressive and still not be rude. I don't know if it was just all too much for him, if he was intimidated, or if he really didn't care what the others kids were(n't) doing. He is by nature a considerate and friendly child. He did say that he had fun though, so really in the end, that's all that matters. And I got some cute pictures.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Picture number two for the mommy/son photo album. After about three or four attempts, Myles finally cooperated.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Donated blood today with the Indiana Blood Center. I wasn't aware of the drive until Myles and I went to the counter at the library to check out our books. They had a sign up sheet and information. After we were finished with our play date at the park we went back. While I was getting ready, Myles entertained the ladies in the back of the bus. The whole process, which usually takes me at least an hour was over in about 45 minutes, max. Myles wasn't freaked out at all.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I think it was Friday when I noticed all kinda of trash in the yard and parking area by my apartment. I don't know it someones trash can fell over and the stuff fell out, or if someone was just being lazy and threw it down. I knew it wasn't from my trash can because the trash was from stuff I don't use. I didn't pick it up though. When we got home Saturday the stuff was still out there. My hands were full, so I couldn't pick it up. Later that evening I had to get stuff out of the car and decided to pick up the trash. It wasn't until later when I though, hey, this counts as picking up trash. I hate seeing trash in yards..especially my yard, when it's not my trash.

Friday, July 24, 2009

While at work tonight, I finished reading my first new book, My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult. It was pretty good. I knew I was in store for some sad parts, so I wasn't surprised when I came across them. Luckily, no one saw me wiping away tears. Now that I'm on second shift, I'll have time to read and such. Now, I want to go see the movie. In my experience, books are almost always better than the movie. I'm not sure what I'll read next. It's so wonderful to be able to red something that's no school related.

Monday, July 20, 2009

After going to the library this morning, Myles and I headed to the park. I almost immediately saw trash just laying around. I wasn't prepared, with a bag to pick up trash, but decided to do it any way. After all, there are only about a million trash cans throughout the park (resulting in me being boggled..if there are so many trash cans, why don't people use them?) Myles asked me why we were picking up trash that wasn't ours. After I gave him an explanation, he said okay and helped me pick up more. We didn't pick up a ton, but some is better than none.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This evening I went to Morty's Comedy Joint with Kevin. The comedians were Jimmy Dore and a guy named Cleveland. We had a good time and the guys were funny. I was hoping to laugh so hard a had tears and stomach pains..unfortunately that didn't happen.

After leaving the club we were going to get some food, but everything we chose was closed. Then we were going to see a movie, but they all started too late. We drove around for awhile and then I decided I wanted to see my old house. It took three times to pass until I finally realized which one it was. It looked the same, but then it didn't. It has probably been about 20 years since I last saw it. A ton of memories came rushing back.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Myles and I tried a pluot (half plum, half apricot) today. It was quite tasty. I try to introduce Myles to new and different things. He was a bit turned off by the looks of it and reluctant to eat it, but as I cut into it, he immediately changed his thoughts. Although the outside isn't very pretty (Myles compared it to a potato), the inside is a gorgeous shade of red). I recently saw a segment on the fruit on one of the morning shows. They had it prepared in many different ways, so of which I would like to try. Hopefully, I can find the recipes. Next time we go to the store we're going to get some more.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I had my mom & stepdad and grandparents over for dinner tonight. My mom had been bugging me about making some baked ziti, so I surprised her with it. I made it from scratch almost five years ago, while I was pregnant with Myles, and hadn't made it since. I had to use a different recipe this time because I lost mine. I did alter it though. It was really good. It had to have been..I can't recall a time when I had seen them all eat so much. Of course, I ate way much. Oh, and it was the first time Myles and I had guest over for dinner.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is the first picture taken to be used in the the mommy/son photo album.