Saturday, September 26, 2009

In the last two weeks, I've finished two books. It took me very little time to read the both of them. I had found a list, that don't remember making, of books to read and they were both on there.

The first one was Flowers for Algernon (1966) by Daniel Keys. I greatly enjoyed it, and it could quite possibly make it onto my list of favorite books. As I've probably mentioned, I like when whatever I'm reading evokes some type of emotion. At more than one point, my eyes got a little teary and there were some spots that made me angry for the characters. For the time when it was written, I think it gave insight into how medicine would continue to evolve. I was also pleased with the ending.

The second book was The Secret Life of Bees (2003) by Sue Monk Kidd. I liked this book, but it left more to be desired. It didn't bring our a lot of emotion, but I wouldn't put it in the discard pile. I'm really not sure where I would put the climax of the book and the end was just okay.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Toward the end of junior high, up through junior year of high school, I had a best friend named Katie. We were pretty much so inseparable. Then one day over the summer, before senior year, our friendship basically evaporated. I didn't know what happened and the majority of what I heard from other people, was that I was at fault. I made a couple of attempts before we graduated to kinda make some type of amends, but it was to no avail. I had hard feeling for a long time and it wasn't until this morning that I finally decided to ask. I was pleasantly surprised by the response I got. Basically, she said she couldn't think of any specifics, but regretted not repairing the friendship. I do feel better. Hopefully all that she said was the truth. I haven't decided yet if I'll suggest starting over. I mean, you can't make up for lost time, plus so much has changed. I don't know, we'll see.